Furrin Group General Meeting, September 20, 2019
The General meeting was held at the Grandvilla and started at 7:30. President Eric Duram opened the meeting. The August minutes were posted online, the motion to accept them was approved.
Vice President Sam Rogers reported that the autocross equipment is working well.
Past president Nic Boris had no report
Treasurer Matthew Huizing paid several bills and received money from autocrosses and we have more money than last month.
Member at Large Dan Moody received an inquiry about using canopies or umbrellas at the corner stations of autocrosses. The idea was nixed at the last FG board meeting.
Speed Chain Andy Nienhuis reported 77 cars at the MAI autocross. The weather was good and we had some new people. We’ve had good helpers all season and Andy will reward them with free entries. The US131 dates possible are October 6, 20 & 27 and November 3. Maybe run two events on October 20 and November 3. Andy has the FG trailer and will store it for the winter. Muskegon Northway Lanes lot might be a possibility for next year.
Rally chair Nic Boris announced a rally / cruise on October 26. A Fall Fun Drive starting at 4 PM at Meijer at Knapp and ending at Eric D’s with a bon fire. BYOB and chair and meat is provided.
Mary Savage reminded us of the Christmas Party on December 17 at the Grand Rapids Auto Gallery. BYO chair and a dessert. Pizza and pop provided. We will share the vintage videos of FG racing from the 60’s. We will draw names again for prizes at the party. Motion was made and passed to authorize Pete Hansen to spend $500 on gifts and to donate another $500 to St John’s children’s home.
Resident agent Bob Shedd is to be reimbursed for the renewal of our incorporation papers with the State of Michigan.
Old Business: Gavin Rogers is in contact with AutoModified who will be putting on auto crosses. We could partner with them and Gavin will invite their leader to our general meeting to discuss possibilities.
New Business: FG Board elections are coming up. Contact Eric D or Dan M to volunteer or to nominate someone for a board position.
Announcements: Jason Lumen, son of FG member Marv Lumen, needs to find a new home for his dad’s GLH Rally car. Pete and Debbie Hansen worked at the Empire Hill Climb and Dan Atsma drove the Brothers MGB-GT in competition. It was a good, fun event.
Adjournment: 8:11PM
Secretary, Debbie Hansen