Furrin Group General Meeting, November 19, 2019
The General meeting was held at the Grandvilla and started at 7:30. President Eric Duram opened the meeting. The October minutes were approved.
Vice President Sam Rogers had no report.
Treasurer Matthew Huizing reported that we have more money than last month. His report was accepted.
Andy Nienhuis reported for Speed that not much was going on. He is still looking for new event sites. Lane Automotive is Watervliet is interested in hosting an autocross.
Rally chair Nic Boris reported 5 cars at our fall rally fun drive. The weather was poor. The next rally is planned for early spring 2020. Perhaps in late March or early April.
Membership chair was not present.
Member at large Dan Moody had no report.
Resident agent Bob Shedd had no report.
Old Business: We need someone for the FG secretary position for 2020. Motion was made to close all other nominations and vote on the slate of nominees. This was passed. Motion was made to elect the slate of nominees as provided and this was passed. The 2020 FG Board is as follows: President Sam Rogers, Vice President Dan Moody. Member at Large Nic Boris, Membership Andy Nienhaus, Treasurer Matthew Huizing and past president Eric Duram. The position of Secretary is yet to be filled.
Social Chair Mary Savage reminded us of the FG Christmas party next month to be held on our regular meeting night of December 17 at the Grand Rapids Auto Gallery. Pizza and pop will be provided by FG along with a table of gifts to be drawn for by all attending. Bring a chair, adult beverages, and perhaps a dish to pass for a night of fun, fellowship and of course cars.
New Business: Anyone interested in a carting event? Nic Boris will gather some information.
Announcements: Jeff Boris has an RX7 for sale. Andy Nienhaus has an Audi A6 for sale. Pete Hansen retired!
Adjournment: 7:53PM
Secretary, Debbie Hansen