Furrin Group General Meeting, February 19, 2019
The February meeting was held at the GrandVilla restaurant in Grandville at 7:30PM and opened by President Eric Duram. Last month’s minutes were approved.
Treasurer Matt Huizing reported some monies came in, and he paid for the Christmas Party. His report was approved.
Resident Agent Bob Shedd had no report.
Secretary Debbie Hansen had no report.
Member at Large Dan Moody had no report.
Past President Nic Boris was not present.
HDJ looked good this month! Jake Wierengo, who put it together, was absent.
Speed and Ice chair Andy Nienhuis reported that 83% of autocrossers wanted an autocross in May. We’re looking at one on May 25 th at LMCC. The GVSU autocross will be June 29 & 30 or July 6 & 7. MAIC of Muskegon will be Sept 14 or 21. We’re looking at the dates of late April and late July or early August to add to the calendar. We are always looking for good venues and feedback on the ones we have. Andy has not yet purchased cones and will buy helmets this week.
Social chair Mary Savage will confirm the July dates for the Summer Party with Johnson Park. We would like to have a party for our 65th anniversary maybe on a Saturday. Sam Rogers, Mary S and Suzy Beauvais will form a committee for
the party. It will be in the fall and fully catered. Perhaps including a car show, a tent and the caterer Q it Up.
Membership chair Jake W was not present.
Rally: Jeff Boris confirmed the date of August 10 for the Mid Summer Night’s Rally and would like to set up another one for this year if possible.
Old Business: None
New Business: Pete Hansen reminded us of the VSCDA Spring Break race weekend at GingerMan Raceway on May 3, 4 and 5. He is looking for more corner workers and says they will be treated well with gas cards, good food and free camping.
Announcements: Pete and Debbie H are not yet in their house after the fire. Many FG people worked the very cold Sno* Drift rally this year. Longtime FG member Peg Lumen died recently. The FG will make a $200 donation in her name to the American Cancer Society, and Mary S ordered flowers for the funeral in FG’s name.
Adjournment: 7:56 PM
Debbie Hansen