Furrin Group General Meeting, January 15, 2019
The January meeting was held at the GrandVilla restaurant in Grandville at 7:30PM and opened by Vice President Sam Rogers. Last month’s minutes were approved.
- Resident agent Bob Shedd had no report.
- Secretary Debbie Hansen had no report.
- Member at Large Dan Moody had no report.
- Past President Nic Boris had no report.
- HDJ editor Jake Wierengo said the HDJ is working and articles are coming in. Please send more.
- Speed and Ice Andy Nienhuis was absent but sent an email report to VP Sam R. MCC wants a May 25 autocross date and we will poll the racers for their interest. Jake W will take care of that. Andy N has contacted MAImports and GVSU on dates for this year. He also has quotes for buying helmets and is looking for open face ones. The motion was made and approved for money to buy seven of them. It was noted that Land Automotive has deals in February. For Ice, Nic Boris says there is 4 – 5 inches of ice at Turk Lake. We will try for racing on Feb 2 and 3.
- Social chair Mary Savage reported a good Christmas Party with prizes and pizza and good cars at GR Auto Gallery. We will have a Summer Party again at Johnson Park in Grandville in July. Mary will reserve the building. It is FG’s 65th year in 2019 and maybe we should celebrate it at the Summer Party or on a Saturday.
- Membership Jake W designed cards for the FG and will present them at the next meeting.
- Rally chair Nic B has set Aug 3 for the Mid-Summer Nights Dream Rally. We also hope to have a gimmick, TSD, and a Fall rally.
Old Business: Website designer Jacqui Poehlman encouraged each member to re-register at the new website.
New Business: None
Announcements: Sno* Drift Rally has 39 entries, and they are with ARA this year. Many FG members are working the rally this year, and they have 12” of snow already. Mike and Molly Feldman are expecting a baby in July! Nic and Jeff Boris ran Son of Sno* Drift last week and came in 6th overall and 5th in class. Kathy DuVall wants email addresses for those FG members without Facebook, and Jake W can supply her with them. We will publish the FG member’s email addresses.
Adjournment: 8:03 PM
Debbie Hansen