Furrin Group General Meeting, October 15, 2019
The General meeting was held at the Grandvilla and started at 7:32. President Eric Duram opened the meeting. The September minutes were posted online, the motion to accept them was approved.
Vice President Sam Rogers reported that the autocross equipment will be stored at Andy Nienhuis’ house for the winter. WMR SCCA will probably use it once more for their October event.
Treasurer Matthew Huizing was absent and a report was given by Eric D. We had deposits and payments made and US131 will be paid $10 for each car in our last autocross even there.
Andy Nienhuis reported for Speed that we had 83 cars at the 131 event and a lot of cones were hit. All went well except for some issues with our timing equipment. He will send the bad part back for replacement. He will also work on planning next year’s even schedule.
Rally chair Nic Boris reminded us about the color tour rally set for October 26. We will meet at the Knapp Meijer at 4PM and head to Eric D’s house. It should take one and a half hours and brats, burgers and pop will be provided at the finish. Please take a chair, a dish to pass and your own beer. The next rally is planned for next March or April.
Membership John Atsma had no report.
Member at large Dan Moody had no report.
Past president Nic Boris had no report.
Resident agent Bob Shedd had no report.
The December Christmas event is all set.
Old Business: Would anyone like to nominate someone or themselves for the FG board? If so let Eric D or Dan M know. Nic B nominated Sam R for president. Nic B volunteered to be Member at Large. Dan M was nominated for Vice President. Andy N volunteered for Membership. Matt H has volunteered to remain as Treasurer. We need a nomination for Secretary, and maybe it’s you!
We discussed finding a social media person (HDJ) to continually put the word out about FG events on Face Book, email and Instagram. We want to encourage people to be involved and stay connected with the club.
New Business: None
Announcements: Nic B has a set of four tires for sale. 215/75/15 on Honda steel wheels. Pete Hansen has a Subaru WRX ’03 wagon for sale and a friend with a Miata for sale. Contact Pete if interested.
Adjournment: 8:32PM
Secretary, Debbie Hansen