Some of the holiday sweaters at the party
- The Christmas Party was held at GR Auto Gallery. President Nic Boris opened the meeting at 7:30 PM. Last month’s minutes were approved.
- Treasurer Matt Huizing has paid for the new web site design. Just two outstanding bills to be paid, and his report was approved.
- Mary Savage as Social Chair thanked GR Auto Gallery for hosting our Christmas Party. We enjoyed pizza and sides and several door prizes given away at the end of the meeting.
Michael Feldman filling out a door prize ticket.
- Vice President Eric Duram had no report.
- Past President Sam Rogers had no report.
- Bob Shedd had no report.
- Andy Nienhuis is getting quotes for seven new helmets for speed at a goal of $1000 or less.
- Nic B says ice racing doesn’t look too promising. Bruce Beauvais will be checking after Christmas for ice on Turk Lake. For the rally year, Nic would like to put on Mid Summer Night’s Dream Rally in July and maybe a gimmick rally from the past.
- Jacqui Poehlman, our web designer, reported she purchased several domains for us and she needs content, pictures and names of people who need access to the site. It is not yet available to the public.
- Member at Large Suzy Beauvais had no report.
- Membership Jake Wierengo was not present but would like articles and pictures for the online HDJ.
- Old Business: None.
- Eric Duram took over the meeting as the new President.
- New Business: The new 2019 FG board members were instated. Eric D as President, Sam Rogers as Vice President and Dan Moody as Member at Large.
- Announcements: Son of Sno* Drift rally will be January 12, 2019. It is novice friendly and is a TSD rally. Sno* Drift rally is now an ARA event and will be held January 25 and 26 in Atlanta. Should be more car entries and they could use more workers also.
- Adjournment was at 7:48 PM.