Furrin Group General Meeting, December 17, 2019
The General meeting was held at the Grand Rapids Auto Gallery to celebrate Christmas. Pizza and pop were provided by FG and some people brought Holiday treats to share. President Eric Duram opened the meeting at 7:42PM and last month’s minutes were accepted.
Vice President Sam Rogers had no report
Membership chair John Atsma had no report.
Treasurer Matthew Huizing reported that we spent money on board meetings pizza and our web site and have a little less money than last month but are still doing ok. The report was accepted.
Speed chair Andy Nienhuis requested $500 for maintenance work on our trailer. The motion was made and passed to issue the money. Andy will not be present at the next three meetings due to school schedule. He will be working on the 2020 autocross schedule but is planning on three locations/events and is looking for more possible locations.
Reporting for Rally and Ice, Nic Boris will try again for a race or two at Turk Lake using the Turk Lake Bar as our point of access to the lake.
Resident agent Bob Shedd had no report.
Member at large Dan Moody had no report.
Mary Savage as Social Chair thanked Eric D, Sam R and Matt H for their work and planning the Christmas party. We received a card of thanks from DA Blodgett St. Johns Home for our donation of $500. It was agreed by all present that Johnson Park would be a good place to hold our Summer Party again.
Old Business: Everyone enjoyed the movie of early FG racing that played tonight.
New Business: The President’s gavel was officially passed to Sam R who conducted the remainder of the meeting. The 2020 FG Board is as follows: President Sam Rogers, Vice President Dan Moody. Member at Large Nic Boris, Membership Andy Nienhaus, Treasurer Matthew Huizing and past president Eric Duram. The position of Secretary is yet to be filled. Our new HDJ/social network position will be filled by Dustin Moody. Andy N will have a form for membership renewals so he can gain member’s information.
Announcements: We want to thank the GR Auto Gallery for hosting our Christmas Party. Great cars, good food and a fun time with friends.
Adjournment: 7:59 PM
Over 20 prizes were given away by drawing names from all present
Secretary, Debbie Hansen