Furrin Group Meeting Minutes
Date: 15 Dec 2020
Location: Online

Call to order 19:42

❏ Previous meeting minutes

Motion to approve minutes as written, passed unanimously (5-0).

❏ Reports (Elected)

❏ President – Sam Rogers – No report.

❏ Vice President – Dan Moody – No report.

❏ Secretary – Vacant – No secretary, Sam Rogers recording minutes.

❏ Treasurer – Matt Huizing

Payment of $810 to US131 MSP, website maintenance for $72, some memberships have started to trickle in.

❏ Past President – Eric Duram – Not present.

❏ Membership – Andy Nienhuis

(Via email) 2021 Memberships are starting to trickle in already. I will be making [membership] cards for those that do renew, and if we ever meet in person again, will hand them out. The website is set-up with the renewal price and new members price, thanks to Matt for getting that going. You can renew your membership until the end of March, then after that the price will go up to normal fees.

❏ Member at Large – Nic Boris – Not present.

❏ Reports (Appointed)

❏ Social Chair – Mary Savage – Not present.

❏ Social Media Chair – Dustin Moody – No report.

❏ Resident Agent – Bob Shedd – No report.

❏ Speed Chair – Andy Nienhuis – No report (via email).

❏ Rally Chair – Nic Boris – Not present.

❏ Special Committee(s) – None at this time.

❏ Old Business

Grand Rapids Grand Prix – Still scheduled for March, seems unlikely that it will happen in Q1 2021.

❏ New Business

New club board members! A big thank you to all who have volunteered or accepted nominations. Your commitment to the club allows us to continue to be the premier motorsports association in the region. Please welcome the following individuals to the 2021 board:

  • President: Dan Moody
  • Vice President: Eric Duram
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Treasurer: Matt Huizing
  • Past President: Sam Rogers
  • Membership: Andy Nienhuis
  • Member at Large: Dave Baldwin

❏ Announcements

Dan is recovering from both COVID-19 and a heart attack. We’re all glad that he’s doing well and wish him a speedy recovery!

❏ Motion to adjourn

Motion to adjourn was seconded and approved unanimously, 4-0.

Adjourned 19:57