Furrin Group General Meeting, March 19, 2019
The March meeting was held at the GrandVilla restaurant in Grandville at 7:30PM and opened by President Eric Duram.
Last month’s minutes were approved.
Treasurer Matt Huizing reported that money went into our account and money went out. Our insurance money was due in April and was paid.
Secretary Debbie Hansen had no report.
Member at Large Dan Moody had no report.
Past President Nic Boris had no report.
The HDJ was published with content and has been read.
Speed and Ice chair Andy Nienhuis reports that we will have an autocross at MCC on May 25 and are looking for a creative or gimmick name for the event. Any ideas? Matt H will make a FB event page for it. The autocross set for July 6 and 7 at GVSU will have catering for the 7th and a members only fun day on the 6th . My Auto is set for September sometime. Andy ordered 100 cones and will order helmets this week. Sam Rogers reported that all our timing equipment can be updated at a cost of $1600. A motion was made and approved to spend the $1600 for the upgrades.
We are still looking for a late April event. Michigan Adventure is too expensive, so if anyone knows of a good lot, let us know. Matt H reported West Shore Community College in Ludington contacted us about a possible event.
For Social, Mary Savage reminded us about FG’s 65th anniversary event in September to be held in an enclosed building and combined with a car event.
Rally chair Nic B has set the date of August 10 for the rally in the Huron National Forest by Big Rapids.
Old Business: The FG website? Seems to be lacking in past events information. Recent FG meeting minutes aren’t there. The Web committee will look into it.
New Business: The VSCDA Spring Break race weekend at GingerMan is set for May 3, 4, and 5. Pete Hansen is looking for new and experienced corner workers. He will send out an FG e-mail blast with information.
Adjournment: 7:47 PM
But wait! There’s more! The t-shirt design vote needed to be taken. Of the 3 designs submitted, the “Bad to the Cone” design was chosen and Sam R will order them.
Debbie Hansen