Furrin Group Meeting Minutes 
Date: 17 Nov 2020
Location: Online

Call to order: 19:40

❏ Previous meeting minutes

Motion by Bob Shedd to accept them as published. Seconded by Andy Nienhuis. Passed unanimously (6-0).

❏ Reports (Elected)

❏ President – Sam Rogers – No report.

❏ Vice President – Dan Moody – No report.

❏ Secretary – Vacant – No secretary, Sam Rogers recording meeting minutes.

❏ Treasurer – Matt Huizing

There were 80 entries paid from the US131 AutoX, 7 individual and 2 family memberships, $73 surplus in the cash box (memberships), $35 for the myautoevents.com registration and mileage for Andy.

❏ Past President – Eric Duram – Not present.

❏ Membership – Andy Nienhuis

Some influx from the US131 event: 62 memberships, 83 total members. Membership rates will be active on the website on 1 Dec 2021.

❏ Member at Large – Nic Boris – Not present.

❏ Reports (Appointed)

❏ Social Chair – Mary Savage – Not present.

❏ Social Media Chair – Dustin Moody – No report.

❏ Resident Agent – Bob Shedd – Present. No report.

❏ Speed Chair – Andy Nienhuis

We had an event! US131 MSP, went well. No incidents! 81 entrants, results have been posted online. Andy is trying to get a spring event scheduled for next season as a contingency for our normal venues possibly still being closed next summer. Possibly ice events this winter?

❏ Rally Chair – Nic Boris – Not present.

❏ Special Committee(s) – None at this time.

❏ Old Business

Elections! Thank you to everyone who accepted positions on the board. Your commitment to the club helps us to keep this amazing organization alive and hosting some of the best motorsports events in the region! The following positions have been accepted:

● President: Dan Moody.
● Vice President: Eric Duram.
● Past President: Sam Rogers.
● Treasurer: Matt Huizing.
● Membership: Andy Nienhuis.
● Member at Large: Dave Baldwin.
● Secretary: not filled.

❏ New Business – No new business.

❏ Announcements

● Matt Huizing is selling his Saturn Wagon. $2000. Contact him if you are interested. ● Bob Shedd is selling a Dodge Minivan. $950. Contact him if you are interested. ● Dan Moody (as SCCA organizer) would like to thank the club for the use of the timing equipment and Curt R. for making the trip down from Traverse City to help run timing.

❏ Motion to adjourn

Motion to adjourn, approved unanimously (6-0).

Adjourned: 19:58